recent comment.2025-03-07T01:24:44.487108+00:00Vulnerability-Lookupinfo@circl.lupython-feedgenContains only the most 10 recent comments. details from the vendor2025-03-07T01:24:44.497603+00:00Alexandre Dulaunoy GitLab Critical Patch Release: 17.4.2, 17.3.5, 17.2.9 - [](
Run pipelines on arbitrary branches
An issue was discovered in GitLab EE affecting all versions starting from 12.5 prior to 17.2.9, starting from 17.3, prior to 17.3.5, and starting from 17.4 prior to 17.4.2, which allows running pipelines on arbitrary branches. This is a critical severity issue (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:C/C:H/I:H/A:N, 9.6). It is now mitigated in the latest release and is assigned CVE-2024-9164.2024-10-11T12:22:18.480655+00:00 commit of the patch2025-03-07T01:24:44.493059+00:00Luciano a quick analysis comparing the previous tag and the information found in the the changelog:
`[Do not create a pipeline on MR refresh if source branch was deleted]( ([merge request](`
the fix of this vuln seems to be: